Mindmap with multi-root nodes and same child nodes

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asked May 10 in Question / help by 3dSquare (120 points)
edited May 11 by 3dSquare

this is either a request for help if it's already possible or a wanted feature.

Multiple root nodes are already possible as per GitHub issue.

What I wish to achieve is to have two root nodes and two child nodes that are referenced to each root node without duplication.

I have tried the following:

* A
** X
** Y

* B
** X
** Y

But this simply duplicates the X and Y child nodes and has each root node relate to them instead of referencing the same ones. Is it possible to make change the mind map in a way so A and B have a relation to the same X and Y child nodes?

I asked ChatGPT for help, but it produced something that does not do what I asked it for and that's not documented on the mindmap page:

* A
** X
** Y

* B
** $A.X
** $A.Y


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