Manipulating font size and face for mindmap node using inline font

0 votes
asked Apr 23 in Question / help by raffi (120 points)
I'm using inline <font> tags to format text inside mindmap nodes. I'm able to change font size but not font family. In the markup below I want to change the font face for CHANGE_ME but no matter what I try it doesn't 
  • <font size=20 face="consolas">
  • <font size=20 face=consolas>
  • <font size=20 style="font-family:'Consolas'">

+ root
**:<font size=25>font_style_1_default</font>
<font size=20 face=consolas>CHANGE_ME</font>

commented Apr 28 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

Hello R.,

Yes it seems there are some defects about monospaced font, here is a minimal not working example:

+ root
  This is ""monospaced""
  This is <font:monospaced>monospaced</font>
  This is ""monospaced""
  This is <font:monospaced>monospaced</font>;

footer 1.2024.5beta1/%version()

See also other working/not working examples here:


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 29 by anonymous
Thank you, will check them out.
commented May 1 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

Hello R., and all,

After analysing on:

There is not issue, here is an update of the use-case:

+ root
  This is not monospaced
  <font:serif>This is serif</font>
  ""This is monospaced""
  <font:monospaced>This is monospaced</font>
  <font:"jlm_cmtt10">This is monospaced</font> ;

The monospaced font (with newest plantuml server []) is now a sans serif monospaced font.

