How to download plantUML Server Image?

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asked Jul 18, 2024 in Question / help by Vinayaka Chandraiah

Hi Experts,

We are planning to install Docker image for PlantUML in our Server machine. But our organization restricts access internet from Server.

Can we download the Image in Windows server and then copy manually to Server and install?

Please let me know if any alternative way to install the PlantUML docker Image?

Thanks & Regards,

Vinayaka C

1 Answer

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answered Jul 22, 2024 by dragondive (1,360 points)

plantuml is open source, and that includes its Dockerfile.

If you cannot docker pull from the registry due to corporate policy, then you can "copy paste" the Dockerfile and make adaptations. In particular, in place of this wget:

RUN wget \
  "${PLANTUML_VERSION}/plantuml-${PLANTUML_VERSION#?}.jar" \
  -O /opt/plantuml.jar

you can download the plantuml.jar file "outside" then COPY it into the docker image. Moreover, in this case, you can further "optimize" it because you don't need the multi-stage build anymore (but you'd have likely figured that out).

You need to take a couple of things into account though:

1. How often do you want to update the plantuml image? You might need an "outer" script to automate the download the plantuml.jar then build the docker image.

2. Do you absolutely need to use Docker? Can you not just make do with "java -jar plantuml.jar ..."?

3. Specifically because you mentioned corporate policy, you should consider the license. Silly as it may sound, in my experience, "copy pasting" is serious business for legal teams in software companies. Additionally, among the various Open Source licenses, the GNU GPL v3 ( is often touched with a ten-metre pole in proprietary software development. (Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer.)
