PlantUML default skin fails to load starting version 1.2022.2?

0 votes
asked Jul 22 in Question / help by dragondive (1,360 points)
edited Jul 22 by dragondive

I got back to using PlantUML after a few years. The generated diagrams felt different. I realized that PlantUML does not use the familiar default skin. On investigating further, I figured out that this appears to have started with version 1.2022.2.

@startuml %version()
skinparam SequenceMessageAlignment direction
Alice -> Bob: Hello Bob, what's our PlantUML version?
Bob -> Alice: Hi Alice, it is <b>%version()</b>.


The PlantUML online server also seems to have "lost" the default skin.

I browsed through the plantuml github repository around the time of release 1.2022.2, but did not find anything to suggest this was a deliberate decision by the PlantUML team. In verbose mode, I found something that may explain the difference.

What are your thoughts on this?

[NOTE: The PlantUML forum "removes" my images from the question after saving and finds my verbose logs exceeding 8000 characters! So I'll try to include that separately in comments below ... and hope that it works.]

commented Jul 22 by dragondive (1,360 points)
edited Jul 22 by dragondive

Generated diagrams with version 1.2022.1 and 1.2022.2:

commented Jul 22 by dragondive (1,360 points)

The verbose logs:

Version 1.2022.1:

mayajaal@Laughtale:~/dragondive/plantuml_demo$ java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar /usr/share/java/plantuml-1.2022.1.jar -v test1.puml
(0.000 - 64 Mo) 58 Mo - SecurityProfile LEGACY
(0.022 - 64 Mo) 58 Mo - PlantUML Version 1.2022.1
(0.023 - 64 Mo) 58 Mo - GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() true
(0.023 - 64 Mo) 58 Mo - Forcing -Djava.awt.headless=true
(0.023 - 64 Mo) 58 Mo - java.awt.headless set as true
(0.023 - 64 Mo) 58 Mo - Forcing resource load on OpenJdk
(0.170 - 64 Mo) 57 Mo - Found 1 files
(0.170 - 64 Mo) 57 Mo - Working on test1.puml
(0.227 - 64 Mo) 56 Mo - Using default charset
(0.238 - 64 Mo) 56 Mo - Reading from test1.puml
(0.323 - 64 Mo) 55 Mo - Setting current dir: /home/mayajaal/dragondive/plantuml_demo/.
(0.323 - 64 Mo) 55 Mo - Setting current dir: /home/mayajaal/dragondive/plantuml_demo
(0.324 - 64 Mo) 55 Mo - Reading file: test1.puml
(0.326 - 64 Mo) 55 Mo - name from block=1.2022.1
(0.326 - 64 Mo) 55 Mo - Checking=1.2022.1
(0.327 - 64 Mo) 55 Mo - f=1.2022.1
(0.327 - 64 Mo) 55 Mo - Relative, so let's change it
(0.327 - 64 Mo) 55 Mo - f=/home/mayajaal/dragondive/plantuml_demo/1.2022.1
(0.327 - 64 Mo) 55 Mo - It's not a directory
(0.328 - 64 Mo) 55 Mo - 1.2022.1 is not taken as a directory
(0.329 - 64 Mo) 55 Mo - We are going to put data in [0]
(0.523 - 64 Mo) 48 Mo - Compilation duration 116
(0.524 - 64 Mo) 48 Mo - Regex total/invoked/compiled 70/39/28
(0.524 - 64 Mo) 48 Mo - Matches created 13
(0.725 - 64 Mo) 40 Mo - Creating file: /home/mayajaal/dragondive/plantuml_demo/1.2022.png
(0.810 - 64 Mo) 38 Mo - Creating image 341x160
(1.022 - 64 Mo) 36 Mo - File size : 6919
(1.024 - 64 Mo) 36 Mo - Number of image(s): 1

Version 1.2022.2:

mayajaal@Laughtale:~/dragondive/plantuml_demo$ java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar /usr/share/java/plantuml-1.2022.2.jar
 -v test1.puml
(0.000 - 64 Mo) 58 Mo - SecurityProfile LEGACY
(0.019 - 64 Mo) 58 Mo - PlantUML Version 1.2022.2
(0.019 - 64 Mo) 58 Mo - GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() true
(0.020 - 64 Mo) 58 Mo - Forcing -Djava.awt.headless=true
(0.020 - 64 Mo) 58 Mo - java.awt.headless set as true
(0.020 - 64 Mo) 58 Mo - Forcing resource load on OpenJdk
(0.112 - 64 Mo) 57 Mo - Found 1 files
(0.113 - 64 Mo) 57 Mo - Working on test1.puml
(0.160 - 64 Mo) 56 Mo - Using default charset
(0.180 - 64 Mo) 56 Mo - Reading from test1.puml
(0.293 - 64 Mo) 54 Mo - Setting current dir: /home/mayajaal/dragondive/plantuml_demo/.
(0.294 - 64 Mo) 54 Mo - Setting current dir: /home/mayajaal/dragondive/plantuml_demo
(0.294 - 64 Mo) 54 Mo - Reading file: test1.puml
(0.297 - 64 Mo) 54 Mo - name from block=1.2022.2
(0.298 - 64 Mo) 54 Mo - Checking=1.2022.2
(0.298 - 64 Mo) 54 Mo - f=1.2022.2
(0.299 - 64 Mo) 54 Mo - Relative, so let's change it
(0.299 - 64 Mo) 54 Mo - f=/home/mayajaal/dragondive/plantuml_demo/1.2022.2
(0.299 - 64 Mo) 54 Mo - It's not a directory
(0.300 - 64 Mo) 54 Mo - 1.2022.2 is not taken as a directory
(0.302 - 64 Mo) 54 Mo - We are going to put data in [0]
(0.570 - 64 Mo) 49 Mo - Trying to load style
(0.571 - 64 Mo) 49 Mo - File not found :
(0.574 - 64 Mo) 49 Mo - ... but found inside the .jar
(0.700 - 64 Mo) 46 Mo - Compilation duration 224
(0.701 - 64 Mo) 46 Mo - Regex total/invoked/compiled 70/39/28
(0.701 - 64 Mo) 46 Mo - Matches created 13
(0.754 - 64 Mo) 45 Mo - Using style root.element.sequencediagram.participant false
(0.931 - 64 Mo) 39 Mo - Using style root.element.sequencediagram.lifeline false
(0.980 - 64 Mo) 38 Mo - Using style root.element.sequencediagram.arrow false
(1.005 - 64 Mo) 37 Mo - Creating file: /home/mayajaal/dragondive/plantuml_demo/1.2022.png
(1.060 - 64 Mo) 35 Mo - Using style root.document.footer false
(1.067 - 64 Mo) 35 Mo - Using style root.document.header false
(1.088 - 64 Mo) 35 Mo - Using style root.document.sequencediagram false
(1.089 - 64 Mo) 35 Mo - Using style root.document false
(1.187 - 64 Mo) 34 Mo - Creating image 333x148
(1.369 - 64 Mo) 32 Mo - File size : 6323
(1.371 - 64 Mo) 32 Mo - Number of image(s): 1
commented Jul 22 by dragondive (1,360 points)

Generated diagrams with 1.2022.1 and 1.2022.2:

[NOTE: if the images still do not work, please go to this link to see them:]

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 22 by kirchsth (6,320 points)

Hi @dragondive,

with skin rose  you get the old default skin

BR Helmut
