stdlib rectangles have "C" displayed if I try to use a frame

0 votes
asked Sep 25 in Question / help by jeff102024 (120 points)
If I use this set of instructions, the display is correct:

!define osaPuml
!include osaPuml/Common.puml
!include osaPuml/User/all.puml
!include osaPuml/Hardware/all.puml
!include osaPuml/Misc/all.puml
!include osaPuml/Server/all.puml
!include osaPuml/Site/all.puml

title Deployment

' Network
Network: <$osa_device_wireless_router>

If I change it as shown below, there is a "C" displayed in the rectangle:

!define osaPuml
!include osaPuml/Common.puml
!include osaPuml/User/all.puml
!include osaPuml/Hardware/all.puml
!include osaPuml/Misc/all.puml
!include osaPuml/Server/all.puml
!include osaPuml/Site/all.puml

title Deployment

' Network
package Customer_Supplied {
Network : <$osa_device_wireless_router>


Am I doing something wrong or is there a better way to approach this?

Thank you

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Sep 26 by The-Lu (70,400 points)
selected Sep 26 by jeff102024
Best answer

Hello J.,

It is due to the fact:

1/ First diagram is a State diagram

Network: osa_device_wireless_router

2/ Second diagram is a Class diagram

package Customer_Supplied {
  Network : osa_device_wireless_router

And you cannot mix state and class....

1/ To suppress the (C), you can use 'hide circle' as:

!include <osa2/Common>
!include <osa2/Hardware/all>

hide circle

title Deployment
package Customer_Supplied {
  Network : <$osa_device_wireless_router>

2/ But, if you goal is to use OpenSecurityArchitecture2, perhaps you can use an Object (OR a Component and Deploymentdiagram as:

!include <osa2/Common>
!include <osa2/Hardware/all>

title Deployment

' Network
object Network
Network : <$osa_device_wireless_router>

package Customer_Supplied {
object Network2
Network2 : <$osa_device_wireless_router>


