Breaking long lines using backslashes breaks !includesub

0 votes
asked Oct 28 in Bug by 3dSquare (140 points)


I have a C4-PlantUML based diagram where I break long statements into multiple lines.

@startuml long-lines

!startsub SUB_SECTION

!include <C4/C4_Container>

Container(some_container, Some Container, $descr=This is an important container with a long description.)




@startuml long-lines-include

!includesub diagrams/wip/bug-report-broken-includesub.puml!SUB_SECTION


Modifying the previous example to break the description into a new line using a backslash, works for the diagram "long-lines-broken" itself but when including the section using !includesub an error occurs:

@startuml long-lines-with-break


!include <C4/C4_Container>

Container(some_container, Some Container, \

$descr=This is an important container with a long description.)




@startuml long-lines-include-with-break

!includesub diagrams/wip/bug-report-broken-includesub.puml!SUB_SECTION_WITH_BREAK


Is there an issue with the preprocessor?

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