Online server - cannot open URL

0 votes
asked Nov 8 in Bug by Leon Funnell

Hi there.  I have discovered that using your online server or the PlantUML addin for Confluence (which I believe also uses the online server) results in not being able to resolve any external !include URL.  For example below fails.  It works locally on my machine but fails when rendering in Confluence or via your online server.

!define ICONURL
!include ICONURL/common.puml
!include ICONURL/devicons/datadog.puml
DATADOG(datadog, "Datadog", rectangle, purple)
DEV_PYTHON(PyDataConnectAPI, "Data Connect API", rectangle, orange)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 9 by kirchsth (7,140 points)

Hi @Leon,

I cannot reproduce an !include error, I only get an error in the DEV_PYTHON() call. But if you include the python.puml it works without any problems. (I added a link to the image with the full source)

BR Helmut
