Change diamond style to HIDDEN

0 votes
asked Nov 8 in Wanted features by Everlaast (120 points)
Current diagram

object parent
parent <|-- helper
helper -- child1
helper -- child2
helper -- child3

I need to make the diamond invisible, or replace it with a dot

see also:

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 10 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

Hello E.,


For a dot, You can use interface as:

object parent
() " " as helper
parent <|-- helper
helper -- child1
helper -- child2
helper -- child3

And if we make the diamond invisible, we make a missing element or a hole appear on the diagram...

diamond {
  Backgroundcolor transparent
  Linecolor transparent

object parent
<> helper 
parent <|-- helper
helper -- child1
helper -- child2
helper -- child3

If that can help,

commented Nov 10 by kirchsth (7,140 points)

You could group inheritance too (but I think it works only for inheritance)

BR Helmut
