Plantuml Preview Diagram Doesnt get Loaded

0 votes
asked Nov 12 in Question / help by ransari79 (120 points)
The preview diagram on VScode is not getting generated. There is no error displayed either, so i am not able to understand the root cause.

However, it use to work initially but after few weeks the preview diagram stopped loading. I didnt made any changes.

I even uninstalled all the plantuml extension and even the vscode and reinstalled everything, but still same issue.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
commented Nov 12 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

Hello R.,

  • Could you precise the name and the version of your plugin?
  • What is the configuration of the plugin?
  • Have you a java version installed on your side?
  • How is used plantuml? jar on local? by web-server call?

FYI this forum is principally about the PlantUML core function (and not precisely about plugin). 


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