The following diagram do not generate the gradient effect on "leafXX" nodes as expected.
Here's the PlantUML URL:
For some reason, it renders on PlantUML plug-in for DokuWiki but when trying to open the SVG url, it fails with the error message:
error on line 1 at column 1: Start tag expected, '<' not found
The PNG doesn't render at all.
When clicking on "Discover the future PlantUML Web Editor! ", it fails with a Forbidden error message.
Notice that digraph is being rendered on https://plantuml-editor.kkeisuke.com/ on both PNG and SVG but not on PlantUML online server.
Similar problem, like in the other issue: Graphviz PNG rendering not working on PlantUML Online - PlantUML Q&Abut here you are using not supported fonts too. If you remove the fonts and the colorscheme then it is working BR Helmut