Wrapping for arrow text

0 votes
asked Dec 28, 2024 in Wanted features by ok3 (180 points)

I would like the WordWrap style to work for arrow label text. Or any other option to wrap arrow labels automatically. This example is of state-diagram, but would be useful for other diagrams also.



left to right direction

arrow {
     WordWrap 150
     fontcolor #green

state a
state b

 [*] -> a

 a -> b : very long status transition description that I want to be wrapped but it won't despite I try to use styling for arrow and it affects the arrow label font color

b -> [*]


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 5 by The-Lu (76,660 points)
selected Jan 8 by ok3
Best answer

Hi O.,

Here is a current workaround, using 'skinparam maxMessageSize 150', as:

skinparam maxMessageSize 150

arrow {
  fontcolor #green

state a
state b

[*] --> a
a --> b : very long status transition description that I want to be wrapped but it won't despite I try to use styling for arrow and it affects the arrow label font color
b --> [*]


A wanted feature will be to uniformise all the `wrapWidth`, `maxMessageSize`, `MaximumWidth`, ...


commented Jan 8 by ok3 (180 points)
Thanks a lot, the name of the param is a bit confusing, thought it works for sequence diagrams only.