I'm trying to reproduce the following image:
Right now I have the following diagram:
hide stereotype
hide empty members
hide circle
skinparam nodesep 0
skinparam defaultFontName Helvetica
skinparam class {
FontColor<<srv>> transparent
BackgroundColor<<srv>> transparent
BorderColor<<srv>> transparent
!define Visio2kNet
!include Visio2kNet/puml/Server.puml
class srv1 <<srv>> {
Servidor 01\n\n<U+0020><U+0020><U+0020><$Server>
class srv2 <<srv>> {
Servidor 02\n\n<U+0020><U+0020><U+0020><$Server>
class srv3 <<srv>> {
Servidor 03\n\n<U+0020><U+0020><U+0020><$Server>
class "Base de usuários 01" as a {
class "Base de usuários 02" as b {
| |
class "Base de usuários 03" as c {
a -right[hidden]-> b
b -right[hidden]-> c
srv1 -- a
srv2 -- b
srv3 -- c
I would like to know if it's possible to center align text on Class diagram, it doesn't seem to respect the 'DefaultTextAlignment' skinparam. The class title seems to be center aligned, so a workaround is:
class "Base de usuários 01\njsilva\nmaria\npedro\npaulo\nzeze\nmjose\nana" as a
But I would like to keep the border line between the Class title and it's methods.
Another question: There's a way to remove/decrease the distance between the arrow on server and the classes as the reference image?