New Syntax Error in existing Sequence Diagrams (since 1.2025.0??)

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asked Jan 20 in Question / help by AT-ATDriver (120 points)
edited Jan 20 by AT-ATDriver

Our company is using the Confluence plug-in to draw sequence diagrams.
I have noticed that existing drawings suddenly show this error::

Related code that has not changed and used to work:

Thank you!

commented Jan 20 by Daniel
edited Jan 20

This error also occurs on our company's Confluence. I have checked the same unchanged sequence diagrams on this site using the Online server, and I am experiencing the same issues as we have in Confluence.

Also checked in here:
and it is not working there as well.

commented Jan 20 by plantuml (295,960 points)
Sorry about that!

Could you post your diagram text?
commented Jan 20 by Daniel

Sure, it looks like I found the issue.

The latest version no longer supports NBSP/tabs, whereas previous versions did.

I discovered this by copying the diagram into Notepad and noticing the presence of NBSP characters.

Here is a failing diagram:

participant Monolith

activate Monolith

alt Toggles ON
 Monolith -> Monolith : Do something 1
else Toggles OFF
 Monolith -> Monolith : Do something 2

deactivate Monolith


This one is the working one:

participant Monolith

activate Monolith

alt Toggles ON
Monolith -> Monolith : Do something 1
else Toggles OFF
Monolith -> Monolith : Do something 2

deactivate Monolith


Hope it helps.

commented Jan 20 by AT-ATDriver (120 points)
Thanks Daniel.

It seems to work again on our end, same for you?
commented Jan 20 by Daniel
Hi AT-ATDriver,

Did you modify your diagrams to remove the NBSP/tabs, which is why they are now working for you?

On my end, I haven't fixed the diagrams yet, as I prefer PlantUML to resolve the issue on their side so that all my existing diagrams continue to work as they did before without any changes. However, if no solution is provided on their end, I will have to fix it on my side as well.
commented Jan 20 by anonymous
Hi Daniel,

No haven't touched them, but issue seems be solved.

I was also waiting for the fix by PlantUML, but when checking our Confluences pages the sequences were OK.

That's why I was wondering if it's the same at your end?
commented Jan 20 by Daniel
Nope, it was not solved on our Confluences pages.
commented Jan 20 by plantuml (295,960 points)
I tried to add NBSP, but this is still working for me:

If you could make this one fail and use the "SyncURL" to copy here the resulting URL, it will help.

commented Jan 21 by Daniel

Updated with NBSP.

I'm not entirely sure why these were added to my diagrams, but I can confirm that they worked this way as well.

commented Jan 21 by plantuml (295,960 points)
Many thanks for your version with NBSP, it definitively helps!

We are going to fix this issue. It's simple: NBSP will be converted to regular spaces :-)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 20 by plantuml (295,960 points)


Could you copy the text of your diagram in this thread?

You could also check if it is working on

