Does old activity diagram syntax still work?

0 votes
asked Jul 21, 2014 in Bug by anonymous
Hi List,

is the old activity diagram syntax still supposed to work? I copied and pasted examples form the PlantUML Language Reference and evaluated them, and they were created without errors, but the activity boxes are completely displaced, giving distorted diagrams that cannot be used anymore.



1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 21, 2014 by plantuml (295,000 points)

Hi, yes there are supposed to work.

You can test them on the online server :

(Please tell us if they don't work there)

This looks like an issue with your Graphviz or PlantUML version : which version are your using :




commented Jul 21, 2014 by anonymous
I used PlantUML version 7954, and this caused the problems. After upgrading to the actual download version things worked again.

Thanks for the hint!