Activity-Beta : Condition of RepeatWhile multi-lines?

0 votes
asked May 22, 2015 in Wanted features by MAV (460 points)

Hi guys !

Is it possible to have the condition of the REPEATWHILE written on multi-lines as it is possible for the IF? (whitout using '\n')



:Hello world!;

repeatwhile(bool1 is True

AND bool2 is False)


possible with the if structure :

if(beginning of

the day)

:say hello!;



 result here

Thank you!



3 Answers

0 votes
answered May 25, 2015 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Good idea!

This has not been very tested, but should be working with last beta:

Thanks for the suggestion!
commented May 26, 2015 by MAV (460 points)
Thank you !

Same kind of question : is it possible to have the IS-label of the repeatwhile written on multi-lines?

    :Hello world!;
and b ==2)is(The condition
is True)
-> The condition
is False;

If it is possible, I would have the same question for the THEN-label of the IF structure =D
commented Jun 13, 2015 by plantuml (295,000 points)
This has been implemented in version 8026.
If you have other request on multi-lines, please post them here.
commented Jun 15, 2015 by MAV (460 points)
Thank you guys!

By the way, the multi-lines is possible with the IF but not with the ELSEIF, is it possible to fix it?
0 votes
answered Jul 2, 2015 by MAV (460 points)
By the way, the multi-lines is possible with the IF but not with the ELSEIF, is it possible to fix it?
commented Jul 2, 2015 by plantuml (295,000 points)
This should be ok in the last beta:

if (some test) then (yes)
elseif (no on
several lines)

Is it ok for you ?
0 votes
answered Aug 20, 2015 by MAV (460 points)

Hi guys,

I have tested the repeatwhile structure with the last version and I have noted some bugs :

Bug 1 : if the condition of the repeatwhile is on several lines, and the label is on only one line : the diagram is generated but contains mistakes. Please see the following plantuml text and the generated diagram here :

:hello world!;
on several lines)is(TRUE)

Bug 2 : if the condition of the repeatwhile is written on only one line and the label is written on several lines, an error is generated. Please see the following plantuml text and the generated error here :

:hello world!;
repeatwhile(condition on only one line)is(true or
several lines)


Thank you very much for your support!

commented Aug 25, 2015 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Thanks for the bug report.
This has been fixed in last beta
