Activity-Beta: Stack Overflow when Lane + Partition + Repeat

0 votes
asked Nov 12, 2016 in Bug by pinage404 (120 points)


I have an issue when i use Lane, Partition and Repeat in an activity diagram (beta syntax) thats throw a StackOverflowError exception


This is my diagram:

partition "Partition" {
repeat while (Condition)


This is my bash script to call plantuml with the same options:

# fail on first error
set -e
plantuml_cmd="java \
-jar $jar_path \
-duration \
-verbose \
$input_dir/plantuml_bug.pu \
echo "$plantuml_cmd"
$plantuml_cmd > /tmp/plantuml_out.log 2> /tmp/plantuml_err.log


This is the output of the script:

java -jar /home/pinage404/Install/plantuml/plantuml.jar -duration -verbose ./src/plantuml_bug.pu


This is the content of /tmp/plantuml_out.log:

(0.000 - 119 Mo) 114 Mo - PlantUML Version 8049

(0.018 - 119 Mo) 114 Mo - GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() false
(0.068 - 119 Mo) 113 Mo - Setting current dir: .
(0.068 - 119 Mo) 113 Mo - Setting current dir: /home/pinage404/Project/pinage404/git_process/./src
(0.069 - 119 Mo) 113 Mo - Using default charset
(0.074 - 119 Mo) 113 Mo - Setting current dir: /home/pinage404/Project/pinage404/git_process/./src
(0.080 - 119 Mo) 113 Mo - Setting current dir: /home/pinage404/Project/pinage404/git_process/./src
(0.080 - 119 Mo) 113 Mo - Reading file: ./src/plantuml_bug.pu
(0.080 - 119 Mo) 113 Mo - name from block=null
(0.299 - 119 Mo) 102 Mo - Creating file: /home/pinage404/Project/pinage404/git_process/./src/plantuml_bug.png


Content of /tmp/plantuml_err.log is available here


This is my plantuml version:

$ java -jar /home/pinage404/Install/plantuml/plantuml.jar -version
PlantUML version 8049 (Fri Nov 04 19:16:53 CET 2016)
(GPL source distribution)
OpenJDK Runtime Environment
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
Processors: 8
Max Memory: 1,838,153,728
Total Memory: 124,780,544
Free Memory: 119,900,264
Used Memory: 4,880,280
Thread Active Count: 1
The environment variable GRAPHVIZ_DOT has not been set
Dot executable is /usr/bin/dot
Dot version: dot - graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)
Installation seems OK. File generation OK


This is my java version:

$ java -version 
openjdk version "1.8.0_111"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_111-8u111-b14-2~bpo8+1-b14)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.111-b14, mixed mode)


If you need more info, let me know how i can help


PS: I don't know what is the good way to past code here

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Nov 14, 2016 by plantuml (295,000 points)
selected Nov 15, 2016 by pinage404
Best answer
Thanks for the detailled feedback : it really helps!

(So yes it's ok put past code here).

Here is a beta version that works with your example

The issue is still under investigation, because we suspect that we did not fix all cases. Do not hesitate to post again if you find other stack overflow.

Thanks again
commented Nov 15, 2016 by pinage404 (120 points)
Thank you for your very fast reactivity ! =D

That work well !

What is your recommanded extension ? pu ? plantuml ? puml ? another ?
commented Nov 16, 2016 by plantuml (295,000 points)
puml seems popular those days. So maybe you can use this one.
commented Nov 16, 2016 by pinage404 (120 points)
Thank you =)