Delay in Sequence Diagrams

0 votes
asked Jul 31, 2015 in To be sorted by Wurzel (140 points)

I would like to do something like this:

A -> B
... argh ...
create C
B -> C

But the tool doesn't allow me to create C after a delay.

Why is this so, is this a bug?

Best Regards,


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 31, 2015 by plantuml (295,000 points)


Thanks for the report. It indeed looks like a bug.

This is strange, but the following diagram generates the following image (which is also another bug...)

A -> B
create C
... argh ...
B -> C

commented Jul 24, 2017 by Pod (140 points)
I came here to report that the lifelines turn solid when there's a delay.

> This is strange, but the following diagram generates the following image (which is also another bug...)

Just to be clear, the other bug you're talking about is the fact that the lifelines are now solid?

    Bob->Alice : hello
    Alice->Bob : oh hi
    John->Bob : Hi from me

    Bob->Alice : hello
    Alice->Bob : oh hi
    ... delay changes lines to solid ...
    John->Bob : Hi from me