problems with png size or the skinparam

0 votes
asked Feb 24, 2016 in Bug by habdank (420 points)


The result of the code below is different when skinparam is set to higher value to the state when skinparam is not set.

It seems the reason for the problem is, that PNG file is somewhere limited to 4096 Pixels.

So the result image for the 300 dpi is only a part.



' Works
skinparam dpi 150

' Does not work from dpi > 200

skinparam dpi 300

participant TheFirstVeryLongName as TFVLN
participant TheSecondVeryLongName as TSVLN
participant TheThirdVeryLongName as TTVLN
participant TheForthVeryLongName as T4VLN
boundary TheFifthVeryLongName as T5VLN
participant TheSixthVeryLongName as T6VLN
boundary TheSeventhVeryLongName as T7VLN


[-> TFVLN : veryLongCallNameWithSomeAdditionalNotesWhichAreImportant
TFVLN -> TSVLN : veryLongCallNameWithSomeAdditionalNotesWhichAreImportant
TSVLN -> TTVLN : veryLongCallNameWithSomeAdditionalNotesWhichAreImportant
TTVLN -> T6VLN : veryLongCallNameWithSomeAdditionalNotesWhichAreImportant
T6VLN -> T7VLN : veryLongCallNameWithSomeAdditionalNotesWhichAreImportant



The other code below does not work as well - the result image is cropped:



participant TheFirstVeryLongName as TFVLN
participant TheSecondVeryLongName as TSVLN
participant TheThirdVeryLongName as TTVLN
participant TheForthVeryLongName as T4VLN
boundary TheFifthVeryLongName as T5VLN
participant TheSixthVeryLongName as T6VLN
boundary TheSeventhVeryLongName as T7VLN

participant The8_thVeryLongName
participant The9_thVeryLongName
participant The10_thVeryLongName
participant The11_thVeryLongName
boundary The12_thVeryLongName
participant The13_thVeryLongName
boundary The14_thVeryLongName

participant The15_thVeryLongName
participant The16_thVeryLongName
participant The17_thVeryLongName
participant The18_thVeryLongName
boundary The19_thVeryLongName
participant The20_thVeryLongName
boundary The21_thVeryLongName

participant The22_thVeryLongName
participant The23_thVeryLongName
participant The24_thVeryLongName
participant The25_thVeryLongName
boundary The26_thVeryLongName
participant The27_thVeryLongName
boundary The28_thVeryLongName



Best regards,


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Feb 28, 2016 by plantuml (295,000 points)


To avoid memory issue, we have indeed limited image dimension to 4096.

However, there is a variable that you can change to override this limitation : PLANTUML_LIMIT_SIZE


Hope this helps!


commented Feb 29, 2016 by anonymous

At least for me this variable even set to 16000 does not help.
Further png file was limited to 4096.

Best regards,
commented Feb 29, 2016 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Which version are you using ? You have to upgrade to V8036.
And the variable has to be set before launching PlantUML
commented Mar 1, 2016 by anonymous
PlantUML version 8034 (Sat Jan 09 11:07:59 CET 2016)
(GPL source distribution)
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
Windows 10

java -Xmx2048m -DPLANTUML_LIMIT_SIZE=16384 -jar %UML_ROOT%\PlantUML\plantuml.jar -tpng myFile.uml
commented Mar 1, 2016 by plantuml (295,000 points)
The version you are using (8034) is too old. You have to upgrade to 8036
commented Mar 2, 2016 by habdank (420 points)

I made it. Now it is working correctly. Thanks a lot!

Best regards,