Is it possible to style REF element in sequence diagram?

0 votes
asked Mar 4, 2016 in Closed question / help by bond007 (400 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 4, 2016 by plantuml (295,800 points)
selected Mar 4, 2016 by bond007
Best answer

The documentation is not up to date...

Sorry about that.

You can have:

skinparam sequenceReferenceBorderColor red
skinparam sequenceReferenceBackgroundColor yellow
skinparam sequenceReferenceHeaderBackgroundColor blue

Dummy -> Alice : foo1
ref over Alice, Bob : this is a reference over Alice and Bob
ref#7700FF over Alice, Other, Bob : this is a reference over Alice and Other

Other --> Alice : ok again


Hope this helps!

commented Mar 4, 2016 by bond007 (400 points)
commented Dec 15, 2020 by Yucheng

but how to use different style for different ref element?
commented Dec 15, 2020 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

Hello Y.,

You can use style for that.

I will post an answer with an example.


0 votes
answered Dec 15, 2020 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

Hello all,

How to use different style for different ref element?

Now (from 1.2019.9++) with new style functionality, we can change style during sequence as:

  sequenceDiagram {
    reference {
      LineColor red
      BackGroundColor yellow
      LineThickness 2.0
    referenceHeader {
      LineColor red
      BackGroundColor blue
      FontStyle bold
Dummy -> Alice : foo1
ref over Alice, Bob : this is a reference over Alice and Bob
ref#7700FF over Alice, Other, Bob : this is a reference over Alice and Other

Other --> Alice : ok again
Alice -> Bob : new style
  sequenceDiagram {
    reference {
      LineColor blue
      BackGroundColor palegreen
    referenceHeader {
      LineColor blue
      BackGroundColor green
      FontColor white
ref over Alice, Bob : this is another1 reference over Alice and Bob

Alice <- Bob : another new style
  sequenceDiagram {
    reference {
      LineColor red
      BackGroundColor pink
    referenceHeader {
      LineColor red
      BackGroundColor blue
ref over Alice, Bob : this is another2 reference over Alice and Bob

[See on PlantUML online server]

If that can help,

commented Aug 14, 2021 by emalware (280 points)
is it possible to change the showdo and make it rounded, I tried to apply styles but looks like they are ignored
commented Aug 24, 2021 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

Hello E.,

You can now use this new functionality, see:


Thanks to PlantUML team,
