In the following example:
scale 2.0
skinparam class {
AttributeFontName consolas
AttributeFontSize 12
AttributeFontStyle italic
enum MyEnum {
MyEnumValue1 = 0x00000001
MyEnumValue2 = 0x00000002
MyEnumValue3 = 0x00000003
the text overflows the right hand edge of the class box.
The effect varies as the scale changes - if the scaling is 1.0 everything fits perfectly, but gets worse as the scale increases.
There is also an effect with lines connecting classes being either too short or too long, which also seems related to non-default fonts. This is harder to reproduce but I will post an example as soon as I have a simple diagram to demonstrate it.
I have observed this with 8037, but it is not new. 8036 was the same, as were many earlier versions.
--Alan Gillespie