state diagram miss places sub states

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asked Mar 11, 2016 in Bug by adt (120 points)

Hello , first of all thank you for this very interesting tool. 

In my tests it appears that the placement of a state as a substate or at top level depends on the order of referencing it in the source file. 

For example this one puts PausedAuto at top level 

Recording --> PausedAuto : LocationInteruption
state Paused{
 PausedAuto --> PausedM
and here PausedAuto is inside Paused state - which is correct
state Paused{
 PausedAuto --> PausedM
Recording --> PausedAuto : LocationInteruption
I've also tryed to add "state PausedAuto" inside Paused but it doesen't help.
Do you have any rule about how to properly reference states such that they are placed correctly ? In a more complex diagram I couldn't even place corectly my substate inside it's parent state.
Thank you for your help


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