Skinparam "minClassWidth" not part of "java -jar plantuml.jar -language"

0 votes
asked Sep 28, 2016 in Closed bug by JohannesMeier (460 points)
recategorized Sep 28, 2016 by JohannesMeier


as described in another question (, one can use the skinparam minClassWidth to change the minimum width of classes.

But I was not able to find this skinparam in java -jar plantuml.jar -language, the set of words of the plantuml language. What is the reason for this?

commented Sep 28, 2016 by JohannesMeier (460 points)
The same counts for skinparam nodesep which is mentioned in the question

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Sep 28, 2016 by plantuml (295,000 points)
selected Sep 28, 2016 by JohannesMeier
Best answer
This has been fixed in last beta

You'll see that we have added several ones that were missing.

Now we still have to document them all :-)

Thanks again
commented Sep 28, 2016 by JohannesMeier (460 points)
Thanks for the fast improvement: Now I see the requested skinparams and some more...!
commented Feb 10, 2019 by Hendrik
PS: OK, this really only applies to "class" and no other object. Of course, that's what it says... unfortunate, would be nice to have this with any kind of box-like shape, like object, component etc.

Hello, I am new to plantuml. I would like to use MinClassWidth in my diagrams but it does not render the way I expect it. I guess, the given dimension is in px? In any case there is no effect to the classes' width. Here is my puml, I appreciate any help:


skinparam monochrome true
skinparam minClassWidth 400

object Verbund
object Wert
object Attribut
object Produkt
object Werteliste
object Einheiten
object Werte

Verbund "1" -- "*" Wert
Produkt "1" -- "*" Wert
Attribut "1" -- "*" Wert
Verbund "*" -- "*" Attribut
Attribut "*" -- "*" Werteliste
Einheiten --|> Werteliste
Werte --|> Werteliste
Produkt "*" -- "*" Attribut
Produkt "*" -- "*" Verbund

commented Feb 11, 2019 by plantuml (295,000 points)
We take the suggestion.
With last beta
You can have


skinparam monochrome true
skinparam minClassWidth 400

object Verbund
object Wert
object Attribut
object Produkt
object Werteliste
object Einheiten
object Werte

Verbund "1" -- "*" Wert
Produkt "1" -- "*" Wert
Attribut "1" -- "*" Wert
Verbund "*" -- "*" Attribut
Attribut "*" -- "*" Werteliste
Einheiten --|> Werteliste
Werte --|> Werteliste
Produkt "*" -- "*" Attribut
Produkt "*" -- "*" Verbund


Does it help ?