Windows: dot.exe has stopped working

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asked Oct 7, 2016 in Bug by cgoguyer (400 points)

Now I get also errors on windows for some diagram, one popup with "dot.exe has stopped working" just after docstring message:

C:\xampp\htdocs\architoolbox\uml\temp>java -jar ..\..\plantuml\plantuml.jar APPL_2183_ctxtectd_All_All.txt -
(0.000 - 15 Mo) 12 Mo - PlantUML Version 8048
(0.015 - 15 Mo) 12 Mo - GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() false
(0.056 - 15 Mo) 11 Mo - Setting current dir: .
(0.056 - 15 Mo) 11 Mo - Setting current dir: C:\xampp\htdocs\atb\uml\temp
(0.057 - 15 Mo) 11 Mo - Using default charset
(0.063 - 15 Mo) 11 Mo - Setting current dir: C:\xampp\htdocs\atb\uml\temp
(0.090 - 15 Mo) 13 Mo - Setting current dir: C:\xampp\htdocs\atb\uml\temp
(0.091 - 15 Mo) 13 Mo - Reading file: APPL_2183_ctxtectd_All_All.txt
(0.091 - 15 Mo) 13 Mo - name from block=null
(1.086 - 15 Mo) 5 Mo - Creating file: C:\xampp\htdocs\atb\uml\temp\APPL_2183_ctxtectd_All_All.png
(1.550 - 20 Mo) 5 Mo - Starting Graphviz process [c:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin\dot.exe, -Tsvg]
(1.550 - 20 Mo) 5 Mo - DotString size: 36050

uml syntax seems to be good, some diagram works but others crash dot.exe. I've not seen different syntax between diagrams which work and those which not work.

Is there some limitations to take care ?

How could I debug this ?

Thank you for your help.
related to an answer for: Centos 7 : Error in `/usr/bin/dot'

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