using 'left to right direction' directive, an arrow direction is wrong .

0 votes
asked Apr 17, 2013 in Bug by Hiroki Tsukahara (160 points)


PlantUML is so cool, but I found a improper behaviour. 
Next code makes a wrong diagram.
When I put 'left to right direction' directive, an arrow direction was reversed. 
I used PlantUML:7963 with graphviz:2.26.3.
left to right direction
hide empty method
A -> B :a
B -> A  
cf. These code works well.
left to right direction
hide empty method
A -> B
B -> A
hide empty method
A -> B : a
B -> A 

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 17, 2013 by plantuml (295,000 points)
I think this is a bug of GraphViz 2.26 : upgrading to 2.28 should solve the issue.

Otherwise, the only workaround is either:
- To remove label from links
- To use "-->" arrow instead of "->"

Sorry about that,

commented Apr 19, 2013 by anonymous
Thank you for your comment, I'll replace our old Graphviz.