Ability to define hyperlink on diagram elements

0 votes
asked Apr 18, 2013 in Wanted features by lxxc (200 points)

Within the context of plantuml diagram rendered in SVG, it would be nice to provide the ability to attach hyperlink to diagram elements (i.e. component, interface, class, group, actor, state...). This feature would help to navigate/browse thru complex system architecture described in several plantuml diagrams.

Of course such hyperlink definition would have no effect on jpeg ouptut image diagram generation.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 18, 2013 by plantuml (295,760 points)
commented Mar 5, 2017 by mnlipp (240 points)
Links are rendered with "target='_top'". While this is sometimes nice, it is not always what I need. Could this be made configurable?
commented Mar 6, 2017 by plantuml (295,760 points)
There is a (not very documented) setting "svgLinkTarget".
For example:

skinparam svgLinkTarget foo
:foo1 [[http://www.google.com]] end;

Is this what you are looking for ?
commented Mar 6, 2017 by mnlipp (240 points)
Yes, that's it. Thanks!
commented Feb 2, 2019 by anonymous
How do I link to an anchor on the same page? I am trying to do this:

  note left
    Client should switch to
    [[#submit Submit Content]] flow
  end note

Where #submit is an anchor on the same page. When rendered, it instead inlines the image itself like this:
... much data removed ...

Notice the anchor is at the end.

I have tried various things like ./#submit and I don't want to put in a real URL for portability.
commented Jan 22, 2020 by anonymus
edited Jan 22, 2020
I was hoping to be able to enrich a partition name with a hyperlink. Is that possible somehow?

partition [[http://link.de partition_name]] {...} does not seem to work...

Thanks a lot in advance!
commented Jun 1, 2021 by Andrey
did you solve this problem? Have the same issue
commented Jun 1, 2021 by The-Lu (70,400 points)

Hello all,

For the partition part, on Activity diagram:

  •  you can use link on double quote, as:
partition "[[http://plantuml.com partition_name]]" {
    :read doc. on [[http://plantuml.com plantuml_website]];
    :test diagram;

If that can help,
