Gantt: Specify start and end of an activity based on other activities

0 votes
asked Mar 7, 2017 in Bug by jhannes (160 points)
It would be nice to say:
[Development 0.1] lasts 9 days
[Production 0.1] starts at [Development 0.1]'s end and ends at [Production 0.2]'s start
[Development 0.2] starts at [Development 0.1]'s end and lasts 6 days
[Production 0.2] starts at [Development 0.2]'s end 
This causes IllegalStateException

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Mar 7, 2017 by plantuml (295,960 points)
selected Mar 7, 2017 by jhannes
Best answer

Ok, thanks for the feedback.

We will improve error management. Generally, tasks has to be defined before beeing used.

In the meantime, you can use:

[Development 0.1] lasts 9 days
[Production 0.1] starts at [Development 0.1]'s end
[Development 0.2] starts at [Development 0.1]'s end and lasts 6 days
[Production 0.2] starts at [Development 0.2]'s end
[Production 0.1] ends at [Production 0.2]'s start


commented Mar 7, 2017 by jhannes (160 points)
This works fine for me. I'm used to this restriction with other PlantUml diagrams anyway.

However, my (silly) example should probably not cause IllegalStateException but a more reasonable error message, such as "Production 0.2 is not defined at this point"