Bug in drawing interface connection to left or right

0 votes
asked Apr 27, 2017 in Bug by mikuslaw (120 points)
Found an issue with drawing the arrow of interface connector. In my case I get an image generated with a ending (half circle) shifted to some weird possition in the image. 
title Issue with interface arrow to left or right
component [Component 1]
component [Component 2]
interface "I1" as I1
[Component 1] -- I1
[Component 2] -l-( I1

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 27, 2017 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Thanks for the report!

This should be fixed in last beta:


Tell us if it's working for you!
commented Apr 28, 2017 by mikuslaw (120 points)

thank You for the quick answer. I checked the jar you sent (couldn't do that at work, so sorry for the delay). I can't say that it changed anything.

This is how it looks for me (notice misplaced connector ending at top left corner):

My dot -v output show version: dot - graphviz version 2.40.1 (20161225.0304)

Keep up the good work. Plantuml is just perfect!
commented Apr 30, 2017 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Sorry, we have not tested enough.
The new beta should be ok https://www.dropbox.com/s/koo42q3d9gxw288/plantuml.jar?dl=0
Note that if you can, you should downgrade to graphviz 2.38. There are some issue with PlantUML and graphviz 2.40
commented Apr 30, 2017 by mikuslaw (120 points)
Looks great now! I don't mind that the first jar didn't work. I fully appreciate the level of support You're providing.
Next time I will have any issues, I will start with downgrade of graphviz. I usually use the planttext and installed it for testing of jar.
Once again, thank you very much for the help and great product.