Styling salt diagrams

0 votes
asked Jun 19, 2017 in Wanted features by majkinetor (260 points)
Current salt diagrams are awesome but look ugly.


Are there any plans to modernize them or provide skin configuration ?

I would also consider ASCII art as an improvement :)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 23, 2017 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Right now, we are not planning to enhance Salt feature. We are just out to time! So we need to prioritize our modifications.

Perhabs you could just suggestion one or two mandatory enhancement, we'll see if we could do something.

commented Jul 16, 2018 by Sandro Zacchino
One possible simple enhancement could be an update to the SVG export module to add a CSS class for each SVG element; for instance a button is composed by two SVG elements: a rect and a text. Thus rect should have a class="salt-button"; the same for text. If a mockup component is made by more SVG elements of the same type (more than one rect or more than one text used for different purposes) you could define more than one CSS class (i.e. "salt-tab salt-strong" for an active tab). Using CSS we could then style the SVG the way we want. Very often plantuml's output is put as SVG in a Markdown/pug/whatever that produces HTML. Then HTML is rendered as PDF. In all these systems CSS/SCSS is used to style the document. See for instance RelaxedJS or Markdown-preview-enhanced