Highlight information on arrows on mouse over

+1 vote
asked Sep 7, 2017 in Wanted features by nikhil (520 points)
I was looking for a feature/support that will highlight the information passed on the arrows.

foo1 --> foo2 : This needs to be highlighted

So, when I move the mouse on arrow from foo1 and foo2 I am able to change the color of the arrow using

skinparam pathHoverColor Red

But at the same time I want to change the color of or highlight "This needs to be highlighted".

Is this anyway possible?

This will be helpful when one class has multiple arrows and information so which arrow is bringing which information can be easiliy identified.

Also, is it anyway possible that when user clicks on any arrow the color remains there even if the mouse is moved to another location? This will be helpful when the diagram is huge and user want to see a specific path from top to bottom, so this way he can mark what all paths he has looked into.



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