tooltips not working on IE

0 votes
asked Sep 15, 2017 in Bug by nikhil (520 points)


Bob --> Alice [[Niks]] : hello


This gives me -

Above example shows tooltip when I am running it on online server, but when I see it as SVG file in another window (same browser - IE 11) then the tooltip is not getting display on arrow. I could see some link at left downside of the browser.

Any specific setting/hack to get it working?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 15, 2017 by plantuml (295,000 points)
selected Sep 19, 2017 by nikhil
Best answer
It looks like a IE 11 specific issue.

Can you test on another browser ? For us

is working fine on Chrome and Firefox.

commented Sep 19, 2017 by nikhil (520 points)
Yes its specific to IE browser. Working fine on Chrome.

Any specific hack for making it work on IE? Or will it be resolved in further plantUml release?
