Hiding of stereotype does not work in connection with a spotted character.

+1 vote
asked Oct 12, 2017 in Bug by TomThumb2 (120 points)

I tested this short example on your Web Server



skinparam class {

FontColor<<Serializable>> Blue

FontSize<<Serializable>> 16

FontStyle<<Serializable>> bold

BackgroundColor<<Serializable>> Turquoise

BorderColor<<Serializable>> Blue



hide <<Serializable>> stereotype

skinparam stereotypeCBackgroundColor<< Serializable >> Blue


'ok! S in red, default skin of class, no stereotype

class Dummy1 <<(S,Red)>> {

String name



'ok! C in blue, changed skin of stereotyped class, no display of stereotype

class Dummy2 <<Serializable>> {

String name



'ok! S in red, changed skin of stereotyped class, no display of stereotype

class Dummy3 <<(S,Red)>> <<Serializable>> {

String name



'??? S in red, changed skin of stereotyped class, but display of stereotype!?!?

class Dummy4 <<(S,Red) Serializable>> {

String name



'ok! stereotype not recognized!

class Dummy5 <<Serializable (S,Red)>> {

String name




My question: is this result correct or shouldn‘t Dummy4 look like Dummy3?

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