"activate" block after a "note" starts *before* the note?

+1 vote
asked Oct 25, 2017 in Bug by Mark Lawrence

The following does not render how I would expect:

note over A
activate A

The activation line starts *before* the note. If that behaviour was desired I would reverse the order of the items. Expected behaviour?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Oct 26, 2017 by Serge Wenger Work (15,620 points)
Best answer


You can use a dummy hidden line like this:

Bob -> Alice : hello
note over Alice: aaaaaaaaaaaaa
Alice -[hidden]-> :
Activate Alice

commented Oct 26, 2017 by Mark Lawrence
Thanks Serge, that workaround does what I want. Is the [hidden] tag documented somewhere?
commented Oct 26, 2017 by Serge Wenger Work (15,620 points)
Yes and No. In the pdf documentation, you find at chapter 1.6 (Change arrow color) and chapter 3.26 (Help on layout) the "hidden"
Hope this helps