Expandable notes in SVG exported versions

+3 votes
asked Oct 31, 2017 in Wanted features by boshka (3,940 points)
edited Oct 31, 2017 by boshka
Notes can sometimes have rather long text and even can include other pieces of diagrams.

As a user I would like that iuml and SVG exported diagrams support a note attribute that would allow displaing the note in a collapsed manner, so that it does not overwhelm unnecessary the presentation and I am able to expand/collapse it when needed.

It should be possible to configure the following using the attribute:
- diplay collapsed/expanded from start (and when printed);

The user should be able to expand/collapse such a note.

The attribute should NOT be global.

This can be achieved, for example using svg built in JS function.

This attribute can be ignored for other export formats that do not support dynamic presentation.

Can this feature be implemented?
commented Sep 8, 2019 by anonymous

In my OOA/D course I use notes to annotate diagrams (GRASP patterns) and realized a hover on the note could even link to GitHub line numbers (a way to trace design to code).

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