When I hint a line direction for object placement, ex: o-r- I also would like to hint the line lenght, ex: o---r--- should generate longer lines, but it doesn't seem to work.
Example code:
skinparam groupInheritance 2
together {
class User
abstract class Group
class Activity
class Item
User "*" o-r- "1" Group : < has
Group "1" o-r- "*" Activity : < has
Activity "1" -r-o "*" Item : has >
together {
class Apartment
class Events
class Travels
together {
object Type1
object Type2
object Type3
together {
object Type01
object Type02
object Type03
Group <|-d- Apartment
Group <|-d- Events
Group <|-d- Travels
Activity <|-d- Type1
Activity <|-d- Type2
Activity <|-d- Type3
Item <|-d- Type01
Item <|-d- Type02
Item <|-d- Type03
And the following generates the same diagram:
skinparam groupInheritance 2
together {
class User
abstract class Group
class Activity
class Item
User "*" o---r--- "1" Group : < has
Group "1" o---r--- "*" Activity : < has
Activity "1" ---r---o "*" Item : has >
together {
class Apartment
class Events
class Travels
together {
object Type1
object Type2
object Type3
together {
object Type01
object Type02
object Type03
Group <|-d- Apartment
Group <|-d- Events
Group <|-d- Travels
Activity <|-d- Type1
Activity <|-d- Type2
Activity <|-d- Type3
Item <|-d- Type01
Item <|-d- Type02
Item <|-d- Type03
I would like the lines between my main classes to have separated wider as to fill the whole width.