Hi there,
I'm working on a diagram and I found two problems. The code is as follows:
frame "O" as os {
note top of [E]
E 123 E 456 78901
end note
note top of [D]
U 123 U 456 78901
end note
note top of [C]
C 123 C 456 78901
end note
'if you comment the line below the first note will not be dotted
os -> os : longer the comment / note longer the whitespace inside the frame
The first problem I came up with was when adding the last in line comment, when I do this the first note becomes 'dotted'. The second problem is that I noticed a blank white space inside the frame the longer the in line comment is.
Am I missing something or are these actual bugs that will be fixed in the next iterations of PlantUml?