We are facing several limitations.
First, we really cannot use # for comments, because # is used in many other syntax context, and our parser will really get lost.
We have intentionally choosen non-standard delimitor for comments (that is /' and '/ ) because we wanted PlantUML diagram to be included in C/Java/C++/C# source code, and we did not want the C/Java/C++/C# compiler to be confuse with PlantUML comment delimitor.
Now, we could add new comment delimitors, but we have limited options.
For example, we cannot use // as delimitor, because it will break the following diagram:
Bob -// Alice : hello
A simpler idea : you can put an Asciidoctor comment into a PlantUML comment. For example you may be interested by the following diagram, that is currently working for PlantUML:
!include ../arc42Styles-2.0.0.puml
makeComp("DoDi", "SV-4955", "SV4955", "system", "QCAT_INFRASTRUCTURE")
makeComp("EA Online", "IS-4821", "IS4821", "system", "QCAT_PRESENTATION")
makeComp("MyOtherClient", "IS-9944", "IS9944", "system", "QCAT_FUNCTION")
'// <1>
makeIF("Archivierung", "IF0001", "provided")
'// <2>
SV4955 -r- IF0001
IS4821 useIF("IF0001", "IF-4969", "REST", "l") /'/* <3> */'/
IS9944 useIF("IF0001", "IF-1234", "REST", "u")
Does is sound like a possible workaround for you ?
And finally we could contact AsciiDoctor authors and ask them if they would accept to recognize /' and '/ as standard comment delimitors.