Class relation and cardinality labels not visible

0 votes
asked Feb 21, 2018 in Bug by NastoK (140 points)

Reposting the question since last time it got no answers.

The labels and cardinality visible on this diagram are not visible in Intellij for me, but they are visible when I post the code your website (as clearly visible in the linked diagram). Any ideas why this is not working? I have graphviz-2.38.0 installed (the latest stable version) and here's the PlantUml version information.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 21, 2018 by plantuml (295,000 points)
This is very weird. Since it's working on our website, it's difficult to know what's going on. Maybe Intelliji is changing some color settings ? Could you post a full screenshot of what you actually see ?

You should also post your issue here:
commented Feb 22, 2018 by NastoK (140 points)
Here's what it looks like:
Relevant code:

user -{ test : reviewer
user -{ test : applicant
testQuestion "many" }-- "1" question
question "1" --{ "many" answer
testQuestionAnswer "many" }-- "1" answer
testQuestion "1" --{ "many" testQuestionAnswer

As you'll notice the labels and the cardinality is not displaying. As for Intellij changing the color settings I'm not seeing any PlantUml specific options under "Color Scheme" so I'm assuming it is using the default settings.

I've posted a new issue on github as well, thanks for that link.