On COmponent diagrams, sometimes the interfaces' labels may be overlapping with the node's label. See the MIDI IN and MIDI OUT labels in the diagram below
[MIDI Keyboard] as MIDDevIn
[MIDI Synthesizer] as MIDDevOut
[Speaker] as Speaker
node "Synth PCB" {
interface I2C
interface "MIDI IN" as MidiIn
interface "MIDI OUT" as MidiOut
interface "Jack 3.5" as Jack
[PIC 16F628A (MIDI)] as PICMid
[PIC 16F628A (Synth)] as PICSynth
MidiIn <- MIDDevIn
MidiOut -> MIDDevOut
Jack -> Speaker
PICMid -right- MidiIn
PICMid -down- MidiOut
PICSynth - Jack
I2C <.. PICMid : Sends
PICSynth <.. I2C : Receives