Swimlanes overlapping lines when using split

0 votes
asked Jun 25, 2018 in Question / help by Michael W.

Is it possible to avoid overlapping lines in swimlanes when using split? 

I want to show parallel executed tasks which detach at the end. My real world example has even more mails that are sent out and there for even more lines laying on top of eachother. 

Also hidden activities would be an options but couldn't figure out how to hide a certain activity completely that it not shown 


title something


    if (open) then (yes)
        :generate open data;
            #3f3:Mail to p1\nMAIL ID: **3010**|
            :Receive Mail **3010**;
        split again
            #3f3:Mail to p2\nMAIL ID: **3006**|
            :Receive Mail **3006**;
        end split
    #HotPink:something else>

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