How do I determine such as to explicitly declare a PATH environment variable

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asked Sep 27, 2018 in Question / help by BRichards
I apologize for my lack of comprehension regarding the setting of an Environment Variable for the PATH of PlantUML.

Hardware and Software Setup

MacBookPro with MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6, Atom as text editor, plantuml atom package version 0.1.2, PlantUML.jar version 1.2018.01 downloaded and moved to Applications folder.

I am getting the following error when I invoke the generate command via atom's menu:

Failed to spawn command plantuml. Make sure plantuml is installed and on your PATH.

I have no clue as to how to proceed with installation/PATH setup. I only know that it does not correspond to the command line PATH but the launchd PATH as that is described in and however I do not know the full path of plantuml's executable. Any Help would be greatly appreciated as I am trying to use this setup for my computer programming classes and the sequence diagrams I am expected to produce.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 24, 2018 by mgrol (3,150 points)

this is merely a problem that you need to "connect" the atom plugin with your plantuml.jar. As far as I read from your message you moved the plantuml to the applications folder which was either  ~/Library/Application or /Application. But as you know where you moved it ...
You need to start your Atom editor, open the Settings and then go to Packages. Susequently configure the settings of your plugin. You likely need to set the path from your graphviz dot and the plantuml jar file (the one you downloaded and moved). You may also download a new version
