PlantUML Diagram causes Confluence to send out notifications!

0 votes
asked Oct 15, 2018 in Bug by anonymous

Our users pointed out that they are constantly receiving emails from one of the pages that the plugin is used that the page was updated; page was not updated rather an user simply visited the page.

Versions: Confluence 6.3.2, PlantUML 6.9

We tried to do the workaround for this is: Don't use the exportName feature as mentioned in But it did not help to fix the issue. We are still facing the problem.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 17, 2018 by mgriffel (300 points)
Hello anonymous, can you please file a new issue here or reopen and attach a screenshot of the Confluence page in edit mode to check if the exportName was removed from all plantuml macros.