Skinparam from command line breaks salt diagrams

+1 vote
asked Oct 26, 2018 in Bug by syrdbaw4 (140 points)
edited Oct 26, 2018 by syrdbaw4

Cross-posting form as I suspet this may be a PlantUML issue, not a VSCode plugin issue.

I have the following diagram:




Just plain text

[This is my button]

() Unchecked radio

(X) Checked radio

[] Unchecked box

[X] Checked box

"Enter text here "

^This is a droplist^



I also use a skinparam on the command line to work around the component diagram rendering bug:


Upon trying to render the diagram, I get the following error:

I suspect the skinparam command line argument and salt syntax are not working well together here. I need to use the same PlantUML command for all rendering, so I cannot just use a different one for salt diagrams.

commented Oct 26, 2018 by albert (3,520 points)
@plantuml has the list of skinparameters with -language also been updated? I still don't see it in the latest version (PlantUML version 1.2018.13beta3)
commented Oct 26, 2018 by albert (3,520 points)
@plantuml when using the -SfixCircleLabelOverlapping=true with the version 1.2018.13beta3 I still get an error message:
    Error line 1 in file: D:\...\aa.pu
    Some diagram description contains errors
commented Oct 26, 2018 by plantuml (295,000 points)
We did not test enough :-)
1.2018.13beta4 should be better
skinparameters with -language has also been updated.
commented Oct 26, 2018 by albert (3,520 points)
Thanks, the example now works and I see the skinparameter in the list.
commented Nov 12, 2018 by syrdbaw4 (140 points)
Thank you for the fix @plantuml! I am very impressed by the speed of your responses!

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