Embedded diagram: second include of the same file fails

0 votes
asked Jan 18, 2019 in Bug by boshka (3,940 points)
If you embed 2 times using !include of the same file, the second embed will fail

Create a simple include.iuml (title is ennough), then try:

note right
!include include.iuml
end note

note right
!include include.iuml
end note


If you copy include.iuml into include2.iuml, then in 2nd embed use the include2.iuml, then everything will work fine

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 18, 2019 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Could you try with !include_many instead if !include ?

It should work better this way.

Tell us if it's not working for you
commented Jan 18, 2019 by boshka (3,940 points)
looks include_many helps in this case. Thank you!