How can I style Archimate elements individually using skinparams?

0 votes
asked May 7, 2019 in Question / help by zimchaa (1,040 points)

I'm attempting to match the Archimate specification for 'Structure' elements vs. 'Behaviour' elements, and I thought it might be possible using specific targetted skinparams, e.g. roundcorner - to recreate this:

skinparam rectangle<<$archimate/business-process>> {
    roundcorner 10
    shadowing false

skinparam archimate<<technology-infra-interface>> {
    roundcorner 10
    shadowing false

rectangle "Capture Information"  as CI <<$archimate/business-process>> #yellow
archimate #technology "Tech Interface" as TI <<technology-infra-interface>>



Neither seem to work. With the following approach; attempting to target one of the items (note, shadowing is visible on both) however the rounded corners are working on both.

skinparam rectangle {
    roundcorner 10
    shadowing<<technology-infra-interface>> false

rectangle "Capture Information"  as CI <<$archimate/business-process>> #yellow
archimate #technology "Tech Interface" as TI <<technology-infra-interface>>

So, what is the best way to achieve rounded corners on some of the elements (the behavioural ones) while leaving others (structural ones)?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 7, 2019 by zimchaa (1,040 points)

I think I've worked something out, the first <<stereotype>> is just for the sprite and doesn't allow skinparam targetting, and a second stereotype (suggested <<behavioural>>) is needed to latch the styling onto.

sprite $bProcess jar:archimate/business-process
sprite $aService jar:archimate/application-service
sprite $aComponent jar:archimate/application-component

skinparam rectangle<<behavioural>> {
    roundcorner 10
    shadowing false

rectangle "Capture Information"  as CI <<$bProcess>> #yellow
rectangle "App Service" as AS <<$aService>> <<behavioural>> #lightblue

0 votes
answered May 8, 2019 by zimchaa (1,040 points)

Another small roadblock:

skinparam rectangle<<behavioural>> {
    RoundCorner 10

rectangle "Resource" as SResource <<$archimate/strategy-resource>> #STRATEGY
rectangle "Capability" as SCapability <<$archimate/strategy-capability>> <<behavioural>> #STRATEGY
rectangle "Course Of Action" as SCourseAction <<$archimate/strategy-course-of-action>> <<behavioural>> #STRATEGY


This works well:

Archimate Strategy

However this:

skinparam rectangle<<behavioural>> {
    RoundCorner 10

'rectangle "Resource" as SResource <<$archimate/strategy-resource>> #STRATEGY
'rectangle "Capability" as SCapability <<$archimate/strategy-capability>> <<behavioural>> #STRATEGY
'rectangle "Course Of Action" as SCourseAction <<$archimate/strategy-course-of-action>> <<behavioural>> #STRATEGY

archimate #STRATEGY "Resource" as SResource <<strategy-resource>>
archimate #STRATEGY "Capability" as SCapability <<strategy-capability>> <<behavioural>>
archimate #STRATEGY "Course Of Action" as SCourseAction <<strategy-course-of-action>> <<behavioural>>

Does not?

Strategy Example

Should I just use the 'rectangle' style? Any other ideas for how to achieve this?

Note: putting the <<behavioural>> stereotype in other places (e.g. before the other one) results in the same error.


commented May 8, 2019 by plantuml (295,000 points)
The support of Archimate is ongoing, and we are only adding feature when people ask for them :-)

So with last beta you can now have :

skinparam archimate {
    shadowing false
skinparam archimate<<strategy-capability>> {
    roundcorner 25

archimate #STRATEGY "Resource" as SResource <<strategy-resource>>
archimate #STRATEGY "Capability" as SCapability <<strategy-capability>>
archimate #STRATEGY "Course Of Action" as SCourseAction <<strategy-course-of-action>>

Note that we do not really support more than one Stereotypes for archimate.
Tell us if you need other features!
commented May 9, 2019 by zimchaa (1,040 points)
Thanks very much, it looks good - I'll propose a patch to the Archimate PlantUML project that adds this as an additional optional style include. I'll ask my other question on another thread.