Options to control metadata, the parsed code, in output.

0 votes
asked May 26, 2019 in Wanted features by anonymous
Is it possible to control the metadata, to provide an option to hide source code on export?

I think the command line parameter -metadata needs to be extended to support all exports to retrieve and hide the metadata:



1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 27, 2019 by plantuml (295,800 points)

Does the flag -nometadata cover you need ?

commented May 27, 2019 by anonymous

Thanks for the quick reaction. The documentation does not mention this option on http://plantuml.com/en/command-line. If planned, will it remove full metadata?

I think it is valuable to control that in more details, just to avoid embedding the source code, but not the version info of plantuml.

In urgent situations I can remove the sourcecode manually, but ;-( nice to control it efficiently ).

I would even prefer to have -metadata:formatted, to save the code in "my" readable format.
