Style-BETA: user defined style not working for mindmaps

0 votes
asked Sep 13, 2019 in Bug by atennert (180 points)


There is a bug in the handling of user defined styles with the beta styles in mindmap diagrams: The user defined style syntax is detected as normal text.

I used version 2.12.0 of the VS Code PlantUML plugin.

Here's an example of how it should be (not root is green):


skinparam useBetaStyle true
wbsDiagram {
    node {
        BackgroundColor Red

    .lol {
        BackgroundColor Green

* root
** not root <<lol>>


Here's an example of how it should not be (not root is red and printed "not root <<lol>>"):


skinparam useBetaStyle true
mindmapDiagram {
    node {
        BackgroundColor Red

    .lol {
        BackgroundColor Green

* root
** not root <<lol>>


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 13, 2019 by plantuml (295,760 points)
Thanks for the report.

This should be fixed in last beta

Tell us if it's not working for you
commented Sep 13, 2019 by atennert (180 points)
Perfect, it works great, thank you!
commented Sep 15, 2019 by plantuml (295,760 points)
This is also fixed in offical release 1.2019.10