wrapWidth is ignored if an rectangle contains a sub rectangle; respectively \n "breaks" the format

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asked Sep 23, 2019 in Question / help by kirchsth

Thank you for your last fast fixes.

I tried to narrow my container rectangles, but I found following problems (puml below):
  • "Web Browser high width": if I make nothing special no automatic line break is done in the "container" record
  • "Web Browser wrong format": if I add a \n manually, the next line loses the format information and </size> is displayed in the line
  • "Web Browser empty": this has a automatic line break (but compared to "Web Browser high width" a different format, but this is ok for me)
  • "Web Browser workaround": my current workaround to skip the last </size> entry. (format still wrong but I see at least no </size> in my diagram)
Do you have a solution?
Thank you and best regards

skinparam wrapWidth 200

  rectangle "==Web Browser high width\n<size:10>Instance: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari or Microsoft Edge</size>" as w1 {
    rectangle "==Single-Page Application\n<size:10>JavaScript and Angular and other technologies</size>" as i1

  rectangle "==Web Browser wrong format /size\n<size:10>Instance: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,\nApple Safari or Microsoft Edge</size>" as w2 {
    rectangle "==Single-Page Application\n<size:10>JavaScript and Angular and other technologies</size>" as i2

  rectangle "==Web Browser empty\n<size:10>Instance: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari or Microsoft Edge</size>" as w3 {

  rectangle "==Web Browser workaround /size\n<size:10>Instance: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,\nApple Safari or Microsoft Edge" as w4 {
    rectangle "==Single-Page Application\n<size:10>JavaScript and Angular and other technologies</size>" as i4  



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