MIT or Apache - can we host the code to get this to Maven?

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asked Oct 14, 2019 in Question / help by costateixeira (500 points)

In our project, I'm trying to use PlantUML. I see the impact and we tried another approach but now I think we really need this in Maven.

For this, I believe we need to host the MIT / Apache version on github. I guess the challenge is to maintain both versions, but since you are doing it already, couldn't you just do it on github already? I don't know what is the best way - perhaps create a fork for the MIT-licensed code?

I was told that once we have the apache / mit licensed code in a github repo, then we just have to create a ticket on which should promote this to Maven.

Is this something you can do - maintain the code in github? I do not know if there are any other implications. I think we can also create the repo, but it's your code :)

Thank you for making PlantUML so awesome that we really want it :)

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 14, 2019 by plantuml (295,960 points)
Many people have made the same request.

So here we are : on you'll find a MIT version of PlantUML library

Now, I am not sure about how to promote this to Maven.

Any help is welcome ! :-)
commented May 2, 2020 by alexott (100 points)
What about just publishing a separate artifact, like plantuml-asl, or plantuml-mit?

I see that we have asl and mit versions available on downloads server - why we can't simply push them to Maven Central?
commented May 2, 2020 by plantuml (295,960 points)
Our main issue here is that we have very little knowledge about Maven. That's really why we don't push mit or asl version to Maven Central : we just don't know about to do that :-)

Some users has set up for us but we really don't know how it works.

I guess it's not very difficult to put in place. If you want to help us, you can email us ( and we will work together.

0 votes
answered May 13, 2023 by plantuml (295,960 points)
It takes some time, but this is available on now.

Hope this help!