Why is my styling of a node stereotype element overwritten when containing components?

+1 vote
asked Oct 21, 2019 in Question / help by Ragnar
edited Oct 22, 2019

I want to style the stereotypeFontColor and stereotypeFontStyle for a node element in my UML diagram.
All worked as expected, but as soon as i added a component into my node the styling of the stereotype seems not to work any longer.
Is this a bug or am i doing something wrong?

Works as expected:


skinparam node {

    fontColor green
    fontStyle normal
    stereotypeFontColor green
    stereotypeFontStyle bold

node "test node" <<device>> {


Seems wrong:


skinparam node {

    fontColor green
    fontStyle normal
    stereotypeFontColor green
    stereotypeFontStyle bold

node "test node" <<device>> {



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