Sequence diagram incoming/outgoing half headed arrows are inverted

0 votes
asked Feb 20, 2020 in Bug by alonbl (200 points)


Please see the following sequence and notice that incoming/outgoing arrow heads are inverted only if not connecting entities.

participant Bob
participant Alice

Alice \\-: "\\\\-" Should be down
Alice //-: "//-" Should be up
\\- Alice: "\\\\-" Should be down
//- Alice: "//-" Should be up

Bob -// Alice: "-//" Is correct down
Bob -\\ Alice: "-\\\\" Is correct up
Bob \\- Alice: "\\\\-" Is correct down
Bob //- Alice: "//-" Is correct up


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 20, 2020 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Thanks for the report !

This has been just fixed in last beta

commented Feb 22, 2020 by alonbl (200 points)

Can you please have another look at this[1] one as well? It would be great if the teoz rendering will be usable.
